Squamous Cell Papilloma on the lip: A Rare Case Report
Aishwarya Agarwal *
Department of Pedodontics and preventive Dentistry, Sri Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Sri Siddhartha Dental College, Agalakote, Tumkur-572107, India.
Ambika Nandini
Department of Pedodontics and preventive Dentistry, Sri Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Sri Siddhartha Dental College, Agalakote, Tumkur-572107, India.
Jyothsna. V.Setty
Department of Pedodontics and preventive Dentistry, Sri Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Sri Siddhartha Dental College, Agalakote, Tumkur-572107, India.
Nagalakshmi Chowdhary
Department of Pedodontics and preventive Dentistry, Sri Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Sri Siddhartha Dental College, Agalakote, Tumkur-572107, India.
Department of Pedodontics and preventive Dentistry, Sri Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Sri Siddhartha Dental College, Agalakote, Tumkur-572107, India.
Department of Pedodontics and preventive Dentistry, Sri Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Sri Siddhartha Dental College, Agalakote, Tumkur-572107, India.
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Squamous cell papilloma, is a benign, soft, cauliflower-like growth caused due to the rapid proliferation of the stratified squamous epithelium in the oral cavity. Its etiology is not exactly known but it is generally associated with infection Human Papilloma Virus (HPV), trauma /irritation, Immunocompromised status, lifestyle, and habits (tobacco use, alcohol consumption, etc.), poor diet and psychological factors. It predominantly occurs in middle age and in can also be seen in children accounting to 8% of all oral tumours in children. This case report sheds light on one such case of a 14 -year female patient with a white growth on the upper lip.
Keywords: Benign tumor, Squamous papilloma, oral papilloma, human papilloma virus