2015 - Volume 4 [Issue 1]

Case Report

Rabies in 5 Months Old German Shepherd

C. S. Ukwueze, C. F. Orajaka, C. O. Okorie-Kanu, P. P. Mshelbwala, N. Kalu

DOI: 10.9734/IJMPCR/2015/17020

Page: 21-24

Case Study

An Erupted Compound Composite Odontoma Associated with Supernumerary Tooth

Chandrabhatla Srinivas Kumar, Nalam Sai Gautam, Vabbalareddy Rajasekhar

DOI: 10.9734/IJMPCR/2015/17556

Page: 1-5

Enucleation with Immediate Tooth Replantation of a Dentigerous Cyst. A Case Report

Seidu A. Bello, Benjamin Fomete, Nosa Ighile, Emanso Umobong

DOI: 10.9734/IJMPCR/2015/16905

Page: 6-10

How the Spread of Ebola Virus was Curtailed in Nigeria

Elijah I. Ohimain

DOI: 10.9734/IJMPCR/2015/16632

Page: 11-20

Botryoid Odontogenic Cyst: Case Report

Darin Johnston, Pallavi Parashar, James Closmann

DOI: 10.9734/IJMPCR/2015/16925

Page: 25-29

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